What were the 3 major compromises at the Constitutional Convention?

What were the 3 major compromises at the Constitutional Convention?

To get the Constitution ratified by all 13 states, the delegates to the Constitutional Convention had to reach several compromises. The three major compromises were the Great Compromise, the Three-Fifths Compromise, and the Electoral College.

What were the 2 outcomes of the Three-Fifths Compromise?

The compromise provided for a bicameral federal legislature that used a dual system of representation: the upper house would have equal representation from each state, while the lower house would have proportional representation based on a state’s population.

What were the major compromises that led to the passing of the constitution through the Convention?

There were four main compromises that were necessary in order to adopt and ratify the Constitution. These compromises were the Great (Connecticut) Compromise, Electoral College, Three-Fifths Compromise, and Compromise on the importation of slaves.

What was the result of the Three-Fifths Compromise answers?

Answer: The result of the Three-Fifths Compromise was more representation in Congress for southern states. Explanation: This gave the Southern States one-third more representatives and presidential electors than if slaves were not to be counted.

What was the two main compromises of the Constitutional?

Verified by Expert. The two main compromises were the Great Compromise and the 3/5 Compromise. The Great Compromise created a bicameral legislature. It created the House of Representatives, in which the representation of the states depended on their population, and the Senate, in which each state had an equal number of representatives.

What was the result of the Three Fifths Compromise?

In the end, the convention agreed to count three-fifths of a slaveholding state’s slave population toward its total population. While this Three-Fifths Compromise increased Southern representation in the House, it also meant that those states’ slaves would be counted in population data used to levy taxes.

What was the result of the Great Compromise?

The Great Compromise created a bicameral legislature. It created the House of Representatives, in which the representation of the states depended on their population, and the Senate, in which each state had an equal number of representatives. Also, what were the 5 compromises of the Constitutional Convention?

What was the Compromise of the slave Convention?

Southerners from slave-holding states thus wanted slaves to be counted in their total population, while Northerners objected to this idea. In the end, the convention agreed to count three-fifths of a slaveholding state’s slave population toward its total population.

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