How long is flight from Kona to LA?

How long is flight from Kona to LA?

Flight time from Kona, HI to Los Angeles is 5 hours 5 minutes.

How far is lax from KOA?

Distance between Los Angeles, CA (LAX) and Kona, HI (KOA) Flight distance from Los Angeles to Kona (Los Angeles International Airport – Kona International Airport) is 2504 miles / 4030 kilometers / 2176 nautical miles. Estimated flight time is 5 hours 14 minutes.

How long is the flight from LAX to Samoa?

9 hours 29 minutes
Average direct flight time is 9 hours 29 minutes. The fastest direct flight from Los Angeles to Samoa is 9 hours 29 minutes.

Can you fly from Hawaii to Samoa?

There are no nonstop flights from Hawaii to Samoa, but Cheapflights can provide you with all the information you need to find the fastest route with the fewest stops.

Is it safe to travel to Samoa?

Do not travel to Samoa due to COVID-19-related travel restrictions. Read the Department of State’s COVID-19 page before you plan any international travel. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has not issued a Travel Health Notice level for Samoa, indicating an unknown level of COVID-19 in the country.

How long is the flight from USA to Samoa?

How long is the flight to Samoa? An average nonstop flight from the United States to Samoa takes 32h 47m, covering a distance of 5794 miles. The most popular route is Los Angeles – Apia with an average flight time of 19h 40m.

How long is the flight from Hawaii to Fiji?

6 hours 11 minutes
Average direct flight time is 6 hours 11 minutes. The fastest direct flight from Hawaii to Fiji is 6 hours 11 minutes.

Can you live cheaply in Hawaii?

Generally, the lowest housing costs are on the Big Island, which is considered the cheapest Hawaiian island to live on. However, the median household income is $52,000. So before you relocate, check out the cost of living for the city or county to make sure your income will cover the costs.

How long is the flight from Los Angeles to KOA?

From Los Angeles, CA Airport (LAX-Los Angeles Intl.) to KOA, the flight distance is 2,485 mi. It’s a long journey, so be sure to pack all the basics. Some noise-canceling earphones and a pullover are smart items to start with.

How long is the flight from LAX to Kona?

Flight duration. Estimated flight time from Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) to Kona International Airport (KOA) is 5 hours 14 minutes.

How long is the flight from LAX to Kailua?

How long does it take to fly from Los Angeles to Kailua-Kona? If you’re able to take the direct flight (which is offered by Delta Air Lines), you will be able to leave LAX at 6:05 PM PDT and get to KOA at 8:39 PM HST (five hours and 34 minutes). Remember, there is a time change of three hours. Can I change the date of my flight?

How long is the flight from Honolulu to KOA?

The total flight duration from Honolulu, HI to KOA is 28 minutes. This is the average in-air flight time (wheels up to wheels down on the runway) based on actual flights taken over the past year, including routes like HNL to KOA.

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