How many citizens live in Germany?

How many citizens live in Germany?

83.1 million inhabitants
With 83.1 million inhabitants, Germany is the most populous country in the EU and one of the most densely populated; around 77 percent of its inhabitants live in densely and highly populated areas.

How many people in Germany are over 90 years old?

Germany – Total population aged 90 years and over In 2020, population aged 90+ years for Germany was 981.6 thousand persons. Population aged 90+ years of Germany increased from 118.16 thousand persons in 1971 to 981.6 thousand persons in 2020 growing at an average annual rate of 4.74%.

What was the population of Germany in 1939?

List of countries by population in 1939

Country/territory Population c. 1939
World 2,300,000,000
Germany (including occupied territories) show subdivisions 86,755,281
Dutch Empire (including colonies) show subdivisions 78,366,300
Italian Empire (including colonies) show subdivisions 57,596,517

What is the population of Germany of 2020?

83.2 million people
At the end of 2020, 83.2 million people were living in Germany. This means that the population of Germany remained nearly unchanged year on year (-12,000 people), following continuous population growth from 80.3 million in 2011 to 83.2 million in 2019.

What is the most common age in Germany?

The median age of Germans in 2015 was 45.9 years, meaning that half the German population was younger, half older. This number decreased slightly from 1950 to 1970, likely due to the baby boom after World War II, then began increasing.

Why does Germany have a lot of old people?

Increase in elderly population As a result of longevity and low fertility rates, the elderly population (age 75 and older) in Germany has increased dramatically over the years, and is predicted to increase from 7% of the total population in the last century to over 10% by 2020.

How big was the German army in 1939?

The German army of September 1939 totalled 3,706,104 men and 105,394 officers in 103 divisions (86 infantry, six full Panzer, four leichte (light), four motorized infantry, three Gebirgs (mountain), one improvised panzer division (Kempf), four motorized Waffen-SS regiments, two Fallshirmjager (paratrooper) regiments.

What percentage of Germany is Turkish?

In 1997 the Chancellor of Germany, Helmut Kohl, said that there was 3 million Turks in Germany. However, since the early 2000s, numerous academics have said that there is “at least” or “more than” 4 million people of Turkish origin living in Germany (forming approximately 5% of the country’s population).

What was the population of Germany in 2015?

Germany recorded its highest ever number of migrants in a single year in 2015, with 2.14 million people arriving in the country, the federal statistics office revealed on Thursday. Arrivals in the country jumped by 46 percent from 2014. The increase was largely attributed to the ongoing refugee crisis,…

How many people will there be in Germany in 2050?

According to Federal Statistical Office Germany’s population will have shrunk by 12 million people by 2050. At the same time more and more people are moving into the towns as new jobs in our knowledge society become available mostly in urban regions and big cities.

How many people are born outside of Germany?

Of all the 27 European Union states, Germany has the highest percentage of immigrants in its population. Over 10 million people living in Germany today were born outside of Germany — that’s about 12% of the German population.

What was the number of immigrants in Germany in 2019?

In 2019, the number of immigrants in Germany amounted to roughly 1.56 million. Read more Number of immigrants in Germany from 19

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