What are population problems in Nigeria?

What are population problems in Nigeria?

Thus, this research is aiming to point out the eminent and unavoidable results of continuous increase in human population in Nigeria. Some of these results are; depletion of resources, human congestion, weather modification, high unemployment rate, environmental degradation and a lot more.

Does Nigeria suffer from overpopulation?

Home to about 170 million people, Nigeria is the world’s sixth largest country in terms of population and also one of the fastest growing. By 2100, it is forecasted to exceed one billion and could potentially surpass China; all living in a country about the size of Texas. …

Why is Nigeria population exploding?

According to Fan and Besong (2010), the factors that were responsible to the population explosion in Nigeria were high birth rate, low death rate and immigration. Fan and Besong (2010) further stated that population competes directly for the finite resources that would have been used to generate income.

Why does Nigeria have a high death rate?

The main causes of death in Nigeria in 2019 were neonatal disorders. More specifically, 12.25 percent of all deaths were caused by neonatal disorders. Other common causes included malaria, diarrheal diseases, and lower respiratory infects.

Why is Nigeria a rich country?

The country’s large population of 211 million is a likely contributor to its large GDP. Nigeria is a middle-income, mixed economy and emerging market with growing financial, service, communications, and technology sectors.

Why is Nigeria growing so fast?

Nigeria’s population has been increasing rapidly for at least the last 5 decades due to very high birth rates, quadrupling its population during this time. There is a large population momentum, with 3.2 percent growth leading to the projected population.

What are disadvantages of population?

Population affects the environment through the use of natural resources and production of wastes. These lead to loss of biodiversity, air and water pollution and increased pressure on land. Excessive deforestation and overgrazing by the growing population has led to land degradation.

What is the mortality rate of Nigeria?

Nigeria – Adult mortality rate between age 15 and 60 In 2020, adult mortality rate for Nigeria was 34.25 deaths per 100 population. Adult mortality rate of Nigeria increased from 25.75 deaths per 100 population in 1975 to 34.25 deaths per 100 population in 2020 growing at an average annual rate of 3.29%.

What is the main cause of death in Niger?

The leading causes of death are diarrheal diseases, pneumonia, malaria and infections. The dry season (October to May), is marked by epidemics of meningitis and measles. The rainy season, (June to September), is marked by cholera, malaria, acute respiratory infections and diarrheal diseases.

Is it dangerous to live in Nigeria?

Crime is rampant throughout Southern Nigeria, and there is a heightened risk of kidnapping and maritime crime, especially in the Gulf of Guinea. Violent civil unrest and armed militancy persist in these areas. Visit our website for Travel to High-Risk Areas. Last Update: Reissued with updates to COVID-19 information.

Is safe to live in Nigeria?

There is a high level of crime throughout Nigeria, including armed robbery, kidnapping for ransom, home invasions, carjacking and violent assault. Criminal activity is high in urban areas, including the city of Lagos, as well as on the northern border with Niger and Chad.

Is there a refugee crisis in Nigeria now?

Refugee crisis in Nigeria The armed conflict in Nigeria has forced an estimated two million people to flee from their homes. Many of them are now internally displaced while others have sought refuge in neighbouring countries. The ICRC is working to respond to the most urgent needs of the affected families.

Are there any problems with the population census in Nigeria?

The question of reliability of the information regarding the high population of the north remains relevant for many years. There is an opinion that these records are false. Nigerians need truthful census reports that they will be able to trust. 2. Distribution of natural resources and wealth

What are some of the problems in Nigeria?

Another big problem Nigeria is suffering from is tribalism. If you take tribalism and multiply it by a high population, there will be a big problem. Nigeria is not a one-nation mentality country, it consists of thousands of tribes. Some tribes do not have a good relationship with one another.

How many people per sq km does Nigeria have?

In combination with the nearly 200 million person population, the density of Nigeria is around 212.04 individuals per sq km. This country also has the highest population of any African nation, and much of this population resides in the south and southwestern areas. Nigeria has 5 cities with populations of one million.

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