Is Ampullary cancer pancreatic cancer?

Is Ampullary cancer pancreatic cancer? Ampullary cancers aren’t technically pancreatic cancers, but they are included here because they are treated much the same. Ampullary cancers often block the bile duct while they’re still small and have not spread far. What is the ampulla of the pancreas? The ampulla of Vater is a small opening where […]

Are old Funk and Wagnalls worth anything?

Are old Funk and Wagnalls worth anything? Most old dictionaries, references etc., have very little value-a few dollars at most. Encyclopedias dated after 1923 are essentially worthless but crafters may be interested for the old pictures. What is Funk and Wagnalls dictionary? Funk & Wagnalls dictionaries, family of English-language dictionaries noted for their emphasis on […]

What is a studio mixing board?

What is a studio mixing board? A studio mixer (also called a desk, board, or console) takes multiple signals and sums (blends) them into a combined output signal. After they are mixed, the combined signals are routed to your recording device. Mixers also feature outputs that allow you to monitor (listen to) your recorded material. […]

Why do I feel Phlegmy at night?

Why do I feel Phlegmy at night? Postnasal drip happens when your body starts producing extra mucus. You may feel it dripping down your throat from the back of your nose. Other symptoms may include: a cough that’s worse at night. What foods cause mucus at night? Mucus producing foods Dairy products. It’s at the […]

What is the famous dance of Tamil Nadu?

What is the famous dance of Tamil Nadu? Bharatanatyam Bharatanatyam. Bharatanatyam is a dance of Tamil Nadu in southern India. It traces its origins back to the Natyashastra, an ancient treatise on theatre written by the mythic priest Bharata. Originally a temple dance for women, bharatanatyam often is used to express Hindu religious stories and […]

Como funciona a cintilografia ossea?

Como funciona a cintilografia óssea? Infarto ósseo (quadro clínico semelhante ao infarto cardíaco, onde o sangue não chega no tecido ósseo e falha em nutrí-lo) A cintilografia óssea pode agir não apenas como um exame puramente diagnóstico, mas também é utilizada no acompanhamento da evolução de tratamentos de câncer, identificando se o mesmo espalhou-se para […]

What does depletion mean in sales?

What does depletion mean in sales? Depletion refers to the number of cases that are sold to retailers by a distributor. Oftentimes, as long as producers have made the initial sale to the distributor, they count it as a win. In their minds, they have made money and it is now up to the distributors […]

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