Will Disney build another park?

Will Disney build another park? Disney is no stranger to construction, but it’s already got SO many projects going on, a 5th park at Disney World might just not be feasible right now or for a long while. At Disney World, the Company is working on building the TRON attraction, the Star Wars hotel, the […]

What different jobs did the Indians do at the missions?

What different jobs did the Indians do at the missions? Other jobs included carpentry, building, weaving and leather-working. Padres, or religious leaders, oversaw the mission. They were assigned six soldiers to protect them and the mission properties. What did the Chumash Indians do at the mission? The Chumash were skilled artisans, hunters, gatherers, and seafarers, […]

How much is a pack of cigarettes in a carton?

How much is a pack of cigarettes in a carton? A carton of cigarettes usually contains 10 packs, totaling 200 cigarettes. Some cartons contain twenty packs, totaling 400 cigarettes. What is the average price of a carton of Marlboro cigarettes? MARLBORO Cigarettes for $ 40.60 per carton at Cigoutlet.net – Marlboro.com! How much is tax […]

Why is Santa Barbara Mission important to California?

Why is Santa Barbara Mission important to California? Before the Spanish arrived in Northern California, numerous American Indian tribes populated the west coast. The Spanish originally established the Santa Barbara Mission to make contact with the Chumash people—California natives who lived along the coast between Malibu and San Luis Obispo. Why are the Missions important […]

What groups shape the culture of the Southwest?

What groups shape the culture of the Southwest? Three of the major cultural traditions that impacted the region include the Paleo-Indian tradition, the Southwestern Archaic tradition, and the Post-Archaic cultures tradition. As various cultures developed over time, many of them shared similarities in family structure and religious beliefs. What are the cultures of the Southwest? […]

Can a felon go to jail in California?

Can a felon go to jail in California? According to section 290 of the California Penal Code, CDCR is allowed to reach an agreement with appropriate local authorities to keep felony convicts in county jail and similar correction facilities. However, an offender currently on a state prison sentence in county jail — or similar correctional […]

What percentage of Oakland CA is black?

What percentage of Oakland CA is black? Race & Ethnicity The largest Oakland racial/ethnic groups are White (28.3%) followed by Hispanic (27.0%) and Black (23.2%). What is the population of Oakland California 2021? 440,981 Oakland reached it’s highest population of 440,981 in 2021. Spanning over 78 miles, Oakland has a population density of 7,890 people […]

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